“Perspectives on Parity in Mexican Federal Legislators, 2009–2021: Gender, Ideology, and Party Affiliation” es el título de la nueva publicación del estudiante de doctorado Cristian Márquez, en coautoría con Mónica Montaño (Universidad de Guadalajara, México). El capítulo de libro se puede consultar aquí.

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The chapter focuses on identifying and characterizing the opinions that federal legislators have on political parity. To do so, we employ the database of the Latin American Elites Project of the University of Salamanca (PELA-USAL), using data from 2009 to 2020. The main differences in attitudes and values of the interviewees are identified and characterized. The chapter focuses on four specific variables: (a) the importance that legislators give to gender inequality, (b) the perception of equal conditions to achieve partisan political leadership, (c) the role of the State to apply public policies to fight inequality, and (d) the legislators’ position on abortion. Differences are found based on gender, ideology, and also by political group. The importance given to inequality has increased in recent legislatures for both male and female legislators; legislators from left-wing parties and female legislators are more sensitive to issues around parity; female legislators, more than male legislators, consider that there are no equal conditions for accessing party leadership; female legislators, more than male legislators favor abortion.