Hugo Marcos Marné holds a B.A in Law, a B.A. in Political Science, a M.A in Political Science, a M.A in Applied Statistics, and a PhD in Political Science. Before joining the University of Salamanca as Assistant Professor he worked in Cuzco as lecturer (International Studies Abroad), and as a postdoctoral researcher at SUPSI in Lugano (SNSF project fellow), the University of St.Gallen (International Postdoctoral Fellow), and UNED in Madrid (Talento Junior Fellow). He is a member of the Democracy Research Unit (DRU), part of the consortium Team Populism, and participates in the ECPR Standing Group on Public Opinion and Voting Behaviour in a Comparative Perspective. He has been a visiting researcher at the University of Bern, University of Cyprus, University of Lisbon, and Sciences Po in Paris.

His work focusing on electoral behavior, public opinion, and political parties has been published in journals such as Political Communication, Political Behavior, West European Politics, Political Studies, Politics, International Political Science Review, European Political Science, Politics and Governance, Electoral Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Ethnicities, Revista Internacional de Sociología, and Revista de Estudios Políticos, among others. He has contributed to five projects focused on the transformations of party systems and public opinion after the economic crisis, and he has coordinated one project on the role of public deliberation in situations of conflict (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation). He is currently a member of the research project “Youth Political Socialization, Journalism & Social Media: Understanding Democracy in Contentious Times”.

Keywords: electoral behavior, public opinion, political parties, populism, nationalism;

Espacio de trabajo: Democracy Research Unit, C/Benedicto XVI nº 22, 3ª planta

Tfno: 923 29 44 00 – Ext. 3581