El catedrático de Ciencia Política Iván Llamazares publica en el blog de la London School of Economics sobre las elecciones generales que se celebrarán en España el próximo domingo 28 de Abril
Spain’s election: How Pedro Sánchez revived the Spanish socialists
At the beginning of last year, the Spanish Socialists were in opposition and lagging behind in the polls. But following the successful removal of Mariano Rajoy in May 2018, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is now expected to lead the Socialists to the largest share of the vote in the upcoming general election on 28 April. Iván Llamazares explains that the fallout from the Catalan crisis has been a key component in the Socialist revival, damaging support for Unidas Podemos on the left, and leading to fragmentation on the right of the Spanish party system.