El profeso del Área de Ciencia Política Francisco Sánchez publica junto con John Polga-Hecimovich, ,profesor del Departamento de Ciencia Política de la Academia Naval de Estados Unidos, el artículo “The Tools of Institutional Change under Post-Neoliberalism: Rafael Correa’s Ecuador” en la revista The Journal of Latin American Studies.

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How have governments in Latin America been able to counteract two decades of neoliberalism and pursue post-neoliberal developmental reforms, and what tools have they used to do so? We argue that post-neoliberal projects are possible through the use of three necessary conditions in a context of economic bonanza: (1) extensive use of the legal-constitutional framework to facilitate interventionism; (2) an increase in the centrality of public planning agencies to design those policies; and (3) growth of the bureaucracy to implement the policies. Through a case study of Rafael Correa’s Ecuador, we show how a constituent assembly, empowerment of the state planning agency, and an increase in the size of the public administration allowed the president to combat neoliberalism and pursue his ambitious Buen Vivir (Good Living) plan. This simple framework offers important clues for understanding post-liberalism and the return of the state in Ecuador and beyond.