New publication by Isabel Inguanzo in the journal Territory, Politics, Governance. “Autonomy of Indigenous peoples in the Federation of Malaysia: a tale of three institutional settings” Abstract Previous research has offered mixed results regarding whether federalism [...]
CONFERENCE: Isabel Inguanzo has participated at the ECPR Joint Sessions 2022 in a panel on the micro-dynamics of protest
Isabel Inguanzo presented a joint work together with Emily Carty and Homero Gil de Zúñiga on different modes of political participation and how social media participation is connected to illegal protest. Date: 19-22 April 2022 [...]
European Radical Left analysis: Hugo Marcos-Marné for Newtral
Hugo Marcos-Marné and Cesáreo Rodríguez-Aguilera are consulted as experts on political participation and comparative politics. Radiografía de las distintas caras de la izquierda radical europea Los partidos más a la izquierda del espectro ideológico [...]
INTERVIEW: Homero Gil de Zúñiga on Fake News and Conspiracy Theories
Homero Gil de Zúñiga has been interviewed on the newspaper “La Crónica de Salamanca” (Spanish), explaining how fake news and conspiracy theories affect the quality of democracy. Las conspiraciones y ‘fake news’ calan más entre la [...]
INTERVIEW: Hugo Marcos-Marné on France’s presidential election
Hugo Marcos-Marné has been interviewed on the newspaper “La Gaceta de Salamanca”, regarding France’s presidential elections. El análisis de un profesor de Ciencia Política: “Le Pen se ha acercado al 45% de los votos, [...]
NEW PUBLICATION: Media skepticism and reactions to political scandals: An analysis of the Trump–Ukraine case
New publication by Hugo Marcos-Marné, Pablo González-González, and Homero Gil de Zúñiga in the journal International Political Science Review. “Media skepticism and reactions to political scandals: An analysis of the Trump–Ukraine case” Abstract While [...]
NEW PUBLICATION: The Informational Consequences of Populism: Social Media News Use and “News Finds Me” Perception
Pablo González-González, Hugo Marcos-Marné, Iván Llamazares, and Homero Gil de Zúñiga have published the article “The Informational Consequences of Populism: Social Media News Use and “News Finds Me” Perception” in Politics and Governance. Abstract [...]
NEW PUBLICATION: Antecedents of Political Consumerism: Modeling Online, Social Media and WhatsApp News Use Effects Through Political Expression and Political Discussion
Zicheng Cheng, Bingbing Zhang, and Homero Gil de Zúñiga have published the article “Antecedents of Political Consumerism: Modeling Online, Social Media and WhatsApp News Use Effects Through Political Expression and Political Discussion” in The [...]
FORTHCOMING: Talk at the Political Psychology preconference
Hugo Marcos-Marné will participate in the Political Psychology preconference ‘mini-symposia’ theme ‘Beyond Left and Right – New Conceptualizations of Ideology‘, on February 17 in San Francisco, CA, USA. Also, Salvador Vargas Salfate (University of [...]
Prof. Homero Gil de Zúñiga has appeared on the radio show “La Brújula de Castilla y León” (in Spanish), to talk about social networks and disinformation and its relevance during elections. Prof. Homero Gil [...]