SEMINAR: Italian general election by DANILO SERANI

On Thursday, 29th of September (7:00 PM Spanish time), PhD Danilo Serani will discuss the results of the 2022 national parliamentary elections in Italy, as well as the possible scenarios for the future of [...]

NEW PUBLICATION: What do we (not) know about demand-side populism?

New publication by Hugo Marcos-Marné, Homero Gil de Zúñiga, and Porismita Borah in the journal European Political Science. “What do we (not) know about demand-side populism? A systematic literature review on populist attitudes” Abstract [...]

NEW PUBLICATION: Pathways to Political Persuasion

New publication by Homero Gil de Zúñiga, Pablo González-González, and Manuel Goyanes in the journal American Behavioral Scientist. Pathways to Political Persuasion: Linking Online, Social Media, and Fake News With Political Attitude Change Through [...]

INTERVIEW: Fake News, Conspiracy Theories and Cable News

Homero Gil de Zúñiga has been interviewed by El Mundo (Diario de Castilla y León) (Spanish), explaining the relationship between cable television consumption in the United States and the beliefs in conspiracy theories. “Es un fenómeno [...]