In the new episode of the podcast by UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab, Prof. Gil de Zúñiga and Prof. Huber talk about the effects of social media news and trust in science. Listed to the [...]
FORTHCOMING: Talk at the ‘II Congreso Internacional sobre Vulnerabilidad y Cultura Digital’
Homero Gil de Zúñiga will participate in the II Congreso Internacional sobre Vulnerabilidad y Cultura Digital as keynote speaker, to talk about democracy, populism, and the News Finds Me Perception. Title: Democracia y populismo [...]
Prof. Gil de Zúñiga named Expert/Fellow at the Inclusive Policy Lab at UNESCO
Prof. Gil de Zúñiga has been selected as Expert/Fellow to contribute to the design and implementation of inclusive policies revolving around the effects of social media algorithms and AI by the Inclusive Policy Lab [...]
SEMINAR: Italian general election by DANILO SERANI
On Thursday, 29th of September (7:00 PM Spanish time), PhD Danilo Serani will discuss the results of the 2022 national parliamentary elections in Italy, as well as the possible scenarios for the future of [...]
NEW PUBLICATION: What do we (not) know about demand-side populism?
New publication by Hugo Marcos-Marné, Homero Gil de Zúñiga, and Porismita Borah in the journal European Political Science. “What do we (not) know about demand-side populism? A systematic literature review on populist attitudes” Abstract [...]
NEW PUBLICATION: Pathways to Political Persuasion
New publication by Homero Gil de Zúñiga, Pablo González-González, and Manuel Goyanes in the journal American Behavioral Scientist. Pathways to Political Persuasion: Linking Online, Social Media, and Fake News With Political Attitude Change Through [...]
DRU members Hugo Marcos-Marné and Isabel Inguanzo were recently promoted to Associate Professors of the Department of Political Science & Public Administration at the University of Salamanca. Congratulations!
Hugo Marcos-Marné at the Inaugural conference of the Master in Political Analysis (UCM)
Professor Hugo Marcos-Marné gave a talk at the inaugural conference of the Master’s Degree in Political Analysis (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) yesterday, September 22th, 2022. ¿Influye el populismo en el voto a partidos radicales?
INTERVIEW: Fake News, Conspiracy Theories and Cable News
Homero Gil de Zúñiga has been interviewed by El Mundo (Diario de Castilla y León) (Spanish), explaining the relationship between cable television consumption in the United States and the beliefs in conspiracy theories. “Es un fenómeno [...]
CONFERENCE: New Media Technologies and Social Impact (Sungkyunkwan University)
Prof. Gil de Zúñiga, Prof. Inguanzo, and Doctoral Student Bingbing Zhang will present at the 2nd Global Convergence Content Research Center International Conference to be held May 20th in Korea at Sungkyunkwan University. Their paper discusses the ways in which [...]