New publication by Sangwon Lee, Homero Gil de Zúñiga, and Kevin Munger in the journal Human Communication Research. “Antecedents and consequences of fake news exposure: a two-panel study on how news use and different [...]
ECPS Report: The Impacts of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Right-Wing Populism in Europe
Hugo Marcos-Marne authored the Spanish chapter in the report about the consequences of the invassion of Ukraine in radical right parties across Europe. The report was promoted by the European Center for Populism Studies, [...]
This Monday, March 13, a new session of the Political Science Research Seminar of the 2022-2023 cycle will take place. Shyam Sundar (Penn State), Karolina Koc-Milchalska (Audencia Business School, CEVIPOF Sciences-Po Paris) y Hernando [...]
NEW PUBLICATION: News Distribution and Sustainable Journalism
New publication by Manuel Goyanes, Rebecca Scheffauer, and Homero Gil de Zúñiga in the journal Mass Communication and Society. “News Distribution and Sustainable Journalism: Effects of Social Media News Use and Media Skepticism on [...]
NEW PUBLICATION: Repensando el capital social en la era digital y en sociedades diversas
New publication by Homero Gil de Zúñiga, Araceli Mateos and Isabel Inguanzo, in the journal Revista Internacional de Sociología. The special issue, titled “Repensando el capital social en la era digital y en sociedades [...]
El grupo de investigación Democracy Research Unit analiza la polarización política a través de las redes sociales
The press service of the University of Salamanca has written a news piece about Democracy Research Unit’s latest research: our article “Abating Dissonant Public Spheres: Exploring the Effects of Affective, Ideological and Perceived Societal [...]
Professor Emily Carty, member of the Democracy Research Unit, will participate in a roundtable on the recent midterm elections in the United States. The roundtable will also include Professor John Polga of the United [...]
Retos de la profesión periodística ante la corrupción política en la era de la desinformación
Prof. Homero Gil de Zúñiga will give a talk at the conference ‘Retos de la profesión periodística ante la corrupción política en la era de la desinformación‘. Date and location: November 23rd, 2022 – [...]
NEW PUBLICATION: Abating Dissonant Public Spheres
New publication by Homero Gil de Zúñiga, Hugo Marcos-Marné, and Emily Carty in the journal Political Communication. “Abating Dissonant Public Spheres: Exploring the Effects of Affective, Ideological and Perceived Societal Political Polarization on Social [...]
The Political Science and Administration Area helps USAL to rise in research rankings, according to Stanford University.
The University of Salamanca has improved its results in the ‘Ranking of the World Scientists: World’s Top 2% Scientists’, an annual report by Stanford University. According to its latest edition, 45 USAL researchers are [...]