Las profesoras del Área de Ciencia Política, Cristina Rivas Pérez y Mercedes García Montero, junto a la doctoranda Paula Lahoz Lorenzo, participan en el nº 127 de la Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals: Mujeres y poder: [...]
NEW PUBLICATION: ‘Linking Extraversion to Collective and Individual Forms of Political Participation: The Mediating Role of Political Discussion’
Brigitte Huber, Manuel Goyanes and Homero Gil de Zúñiga have published the article ‘Linking Extraversion to Collective and Individual Forms of Political Participation: The Mediating Role of Political Discussion’ in the journal Social Science Quarterly. ABSTRACT Objectives. Scholars [...]
Un grupo de investigación del Área de Ciencia Política de la Universidad de Salamanca publica los primeros resultados obtenidos del estudio “Efectos sociales y políticos de la COVID-19 entre los estudiantes de la USAL”. [...]
NEW PUBLICATION: ‘Demographic inequalities or personality differences? Exploring six types of social media usage divides in Mainland China’
Yiyan Zhang (BU), Lei Guo (BU), Homero Gil de Zúñiga, Tian Xie (WHU) and Robert Jiqi Zhang (NNU) have published the article ‘Demographic inequalities or personality differences? Exploring six types of social media usage divides [...]
SPECIAL ISSUE: ‘Pseudo-information, Media, Publics, and the Failing Marketplace of Ideas – Theory’
A new special issue edited by Jeong-Nam Kim and Homero Gil de Zúñiga has been published in the journal American Behavioral Scientist. Abstract (introduction) The explosive usage in recent years of the terms “fake [...]
SEMINARIO DE INVESTIGACIÓN: “El papel de las ‘fake news’ en la persuasión política online”
Este lunes 10 de mayo tendrá lugar una nueva sesión virtual del Seminario de Investigación. En esta ocasión Pablo González (USAL) presentará su trabajo: “El papel de las ‘fake news’ en la persuasión política online”. Los [...]
RESEARCH SEMINAR: ‘The role of fake news in online political persuasion’
‘The role of fake news in online political persuasion’ Pablo González-González will participate in the research seminar organized by the Political Science Area at the University of Salamanca. In this session, Ángel Badillo (USAL) will [...]
URNAS Y DEMOCRACIA: elecciones en Madrid
El próximo 5 de mayo a las 19h00 tendrá lugar una nueva sesión virtual del Seminario Urnas y Democracia del Área de Ciencia Política, donde analizaremos las elecciones en Madrid, de la mano de Gema Sánchez [...]
NEW PUBLICATION: ‘How do people learn about politics when inadvertently exposed to news? Incidental news paradoxical Direct and indirect effects on political knowledge’
Homero Gil de Zúñiga, Porismita Borah and Manuel Goyanes have published the article “How do people learn about politics when inadvertently exposed to news? Incidental news paradoxical Direct and indirect effects on political knowledge” in Computers [...]