NEW PUBLICATION: Cable News Use and Conspiracy Theories

New publication by Homero Gil de Zúñiga, Rebecca Scheffauer, and Bingbing Zhang in the Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. “Cable News Use and Conspiracy Theories: Exploring Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC Effects on People’s [...]

NEW PUBLICATION: Efficacy constructs in media use and effects

New publication by Chris Skurka, Cassandra Troy, Zheng Cui and Homero Gil de Zúñiga in the Annals of the International Communication Association. “Efficacy constructs in media use and effects: organizing and appraising the literature” [...]

NEW PUBLICATION: News Distribution and Sustainable Journalism

New publication by Manuel Goyanes, Rebecca Scheffauer, and Homero Gil de Zúñiga in the journal Mass Communication and Society. “News Distribution and Sustainable Journalism: Effects of Social Media News Use and Media Skepticism on [...]

NEW PUBLICATION: Abating Dissonant Public Spheres

New publication by Homero Gil de Zúñiga, Hugo Marcos-Marné, and Emily Carty in the journal Political Communication. “Abating Dissonant Public Spheres: Exploring the Effects of Affective, Ideological and Perceived Societal Political Polarization on Social [...]